You are one smart card away from a smart school experience!
School bus tracking, ERP Integration, attendance, books, cafeteria and much more!

You are one smart card away from a smart school experience!
School bus tracking, ERP Integration, attendance, books, cafeteria and much more!

Why School Smart Cards?
All student data merged in to a single card
Efficient student tracking
Strengthens student security
Advanced form of attendance marking
Library activities simplified
Ease to access instead of cash
How School Smart Cards help Students

How School smart cards simplify the life of STUDENTS, PARENTS and SCHOOL AUTHORITIES

What students can do with it?
Borrow a book from library
Pay for School Bus
Mark Attendance
Make Payments

What Parents can do with it?
Real time tracking and updates on child’s location.
Keep track of each transaction.
Keep track of student expenses

For school authorities and teachers
Real time location information
Managing students on campus made easiers
Marking student attendance is way simpler
Assure maximum security to your students
Your first step towards a smart school experience!

Smart Card Printing
Do you want to print ID cards on RFID Smart Cards or plain Cards? We offer Smart Card Printing services in bulk for schools, colleges and offices as well.
Photo ID Cards
Time and access Cards