
How a Student Smart Card Makes the Librarian’s Job Simple
For effortless productivity, smart cards are used in almost every department of educational institutions.
More and more educational centers are installing a smart card system to reduce costs and improve the productivity of their staff.
Among all the other departments,library managementis one of the most appreciated uses of smart cards. Smart cards allow students to access books easily. At the same time, those smart cards benefit the librarians as well.
Easy Management of Shelved Books
With smart cards and RFID systems, a librarian doesn’t have to invest too much time managing the shelved books. The digital system provides a whole database of books in the shelves along with its order.
The librarian just has to give a quick digital check to see the shelved books. He or she can easily find out the location of every book in the library along with the number of books and other relevant information.
Reduction of Circulation Duties
Circulation duties involve tagging the books when issuing, collecting the necessary information about the students and doing it one by one for every student in the library.
Student smart cards resolve a librarian from such duties. The card reader can read multiple cards and complete the tagging process at one time, which is why librarians can focus more on providing face-to-face assistance and keep their circulation services fast and simple.
Easier Inventory Management
Book inventory check-up takes no time with a smart card system. With RFID technology intact, a librarian can keep an eye on the inventory all the time. The number of books in the inventory, its location, and the sorting process becomes way easier with the help of an integrated database system.
The quality management of inventory also allows students to easily check the books’ availability using their smart card, which saves a librarian from answering a thousand questions regarding books’ availability.
Security From Thefts
The detection rates of smart cards are 100%. These modern technologies reduce the stress of a librarian regarding the potential thefts. Card readers can read accurately all the items and register the identities of every student taking the books.
With this advanced accuracy, the machine becomes the best friend of a librarian in managing the circulation smoothly. No item can go out of the library without getting tagged. As a result, librarians have to invest less effort in the security of books.
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Due Date Reminders
One of the most challenging jobs for librarians is to manage the due dates. Every time a student forgets to submit the issued book on-time, it increases the job of a librarian.
Daily evaluation of issued books and their due dates take a huge time of the day.
Then, the librarian has to call students to remind them about the book submission. All this is an unnecessary increased amount of work.
Withsmart cards, students get reminders about the due dates, which decreases the chances of overdue. At the same time, librarians get to maintain an automated collection of due dates for issued books.
This way, a librarian simply needs to act as per the reminders without taking any excess stress.
Most students start returning their books on time, so librarians get to save a lot of time from the unnecessary task of calling to remind students. The smart card does the job of a librarian.
Smart Card Overdue Fine Collection
Even with the notification of due dates, some students can fail to return the issued books due to several reasons. In that case, they are required to pay a fine for late return.
Generally, a librarian has to collect the book along with the fine. Then, he or she has to make an entry including the name of the student along with other information regarding the book and the given fine.
Moreover, the librarian has to keep the collected money safe and stress about the security of that money until it reaches the higher authorities.
With smart cards, the whole process of fine collection becomes a simple, stress-free formality for the librarian. A simple read of the smart card collects all the information regarding the student.
At the same time, students pay their fine using their smart card, which sends the money directly to the official institution accounts.
So, the librarian doesn’t have to worry about the collection of fine or keeping the actual cash safe in his/her possession.
Easy Access to Student Records
From time to time, librarians require student records to library management. Manual records make this process too hectic, as it requires searching from page to page to find the desired profiles.
Smart cards provide a digitized database, including all the records regarding every student who has ever entered the library. So, a librarian can simply make a single search to find the records of students.
This search can include various filters such as names, dates, class, book type and others, depending on the manufacturer you choose for smart cards.
So, in any case, if higher authorities ask for student records, the librarian doesn’t have to ask for the whole day to pull those records. He or she can give the records within a few seconds.
Improved Library Attendance Management
For schools and colleges,student attendancematters in libraries as well. Authorities desire a complete record of where and when students go within the premises of the institution.
Hence, librarians are asked to maintain an attendance record of all the students who visit the library. This attendance record usually includes the name, class and other necessary information about a student along with the time of entering and exiting the library.
Smart cards make this complicated task effortless for librarians. Students simply use their smart cards to enter and exit the library, which allows the system to collect all the attendance related information automatically. The librarian doesn’t have to do anything.
About SchoolSmartCards
SchoolSmartCards is a venture by Edsys Pvt Ltd. It has been conceived with the aim of providing high quality smart card related products including ERP software for schools.
We have a passionate and dedicated professional team working on the development side to continuously improve the portfolio of SchoolSmartCards products.
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